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Mini status                                    
 This option control whether or not a mini status line is
 visible at the bottom of each panel.  The mini status line
 shows the full directory information for the file under the

                  |filename ext|filename ext|filename ext|
. Mini status     ---------------------------------------|
                  |filename.ext      9564  3-07-89  1:43p|

                  |filename ext|filename ext|filename ext|
  Mini status     |filename ext|filename ext|filename ext|
                  |filename ext|filename ext|filename ext|

Selected Files
  If you select one or more files, the mini status line
  changes to show how many files you've selected, and how many
  bytes are in the selected files:

            |    9,564 bytes in 1 selected file    |

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson